Training Links
Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Refresher (eLearning Module)
Course Overview: Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (ARIDE) Refresher, an eLearning course, reinforces key concepts that law enforcement officers apply to observe, identify, and articulate the signs of impairment related to drugs, alcohol, or a combination of both to reduce the number of impaired driving incidents, serious injury, and fatal crashes. The guidance provided in this course is not intended to be prescriptive; rather, it is designed to be adaptable and generally applicable to law enforcement practitioners who serve in varied communities.
This course supports law enforcement practitioners in their efforts to effectively assess impaired drivers at roadside. As a refresher, the course reinforces the key concepts presented in the full, 16-hour, instructor-led ARIDE course. The design of course content supports officers in the enforcement of DWI (Driving While Impaired) offenses, especially those that may involve drug impairment. This training enhances learners’ understanding of the role of the Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) and facilitates better utilization of DREs in the field. For those communities with no DREs or limited access to their services, this course helps officers make informed decisions related to testing and documentation of drug-impaired driving cases.
Drug Identification & Recognition: Depressants, AntiDepressants, & Inhalants (eLearning Module)
Course Overview: Drug Identification and Recognition: Depressants, Antidepressants and Inhalants, an eLearning course in a series of Drug Identification modules, explores commonly abused depressants, sedatives, antidepressants, and inhalants. The other courses in this series include Stimulants, The Opioid Crisis in America, Hallucinogens, and Dissociative Anesthetics.
Drug Identification & Recognition: Dissociative Anesthetics (eLearning Module)
Course Overview: Drug Identification and Recognition: Dissociative Anesthetics, an eLearning course in a series of Drug Identification modules, examines two of the most popular dissociative anesthetics, phencyclidine (also known as PCP) and ketamine. The other courses in this series include The Opioid Crisis in America; Stimulants, Depressants, Antidepressants and Inhalants and Hallucinogens.
Drug Identification & Recognition: Hallucinogens (eLearning Module)
Course Overview: Drug Identification and Recognition: Hallucinogens, an eLearning course in a series of Drug Identification modules, examines various types of commonly abused hallucinogens and current trends relating to these substances. The other courses in this series include The Opioid Crisis in America; Stimulants, Depressants, Antidepressants and Inhalants, and Dissociative Anesthetics.
Drug Identification & Recognition: Stimulants (eLearning Module)
Course Overview: Drug Identification and Recognition: Stimulants, an eLearning course in a series of Drug Identification modules, identifies and examines the various types of commonly used stimulants such as pharmaceutical stimulants, cocaine, methamphetamine, and natural stimulants. The other courses in this series include Depressants, Antidepressants, and Inhalants, The Opioid Crisis in America, Hallucinogens, and Dissociative Anesthetics.
Drug Recognition & Identification: The Opioid Crisis in America (eLearning Module)
Course Overview: Drug Identification and Recognition: The Opioid Crisis in America, a two-part eLearning course in a series of Drug Identification modules, provides an overview of the chemical and legal classification of opioids and examines the national epidemic of opioid abuse. The other courses in this series include Depressants, Antidepressants, and Inhalants, Stimulants, Hallucinogens, and Dissociative Anesthetics.