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Related Links

The following links are being provided to assist law enforcement officers in the identification, investigation, and apprehension of impaired drivers.

Drug Evaluation and Classification Program
This link will direct you to the IACP Drug Evaluation and Classification Program Web Site.
CTAU Mobile Breath Alcohol Testing Truck

Use this form to request the Maryland State Police, Chemical Test For Alcohol Unit Mobile Breath Alcohol Testing Truck for DUI Checkpoints, DUI Saturation Patrols, Special Enforcement Initiatives.

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
This link will direct you to the NHTSA Web Site.
NHTSA Drugs and Human Performance Fact Sheets
This link will direct you to the NHTSA publication “Drugs and Human Performance Fact Sheets”.
Maryland Judiciary Case Search
This link will direct you to where you can search Maryland court records for adjudicated or pending court cases.
The Vaults of Erowid
This link will direct you to a website that will aid in documenting the complex relationships between humans and psychoactives.
Pill Identification Wizard
This link will direct you to a site where you can identify a pill by answering the questions on the site.
Mothers Against Drunk Driving
This link will direct you to the MADD Web Site.
A resource for facts, programs, events and more related to alcohol impaired driving and underage drinking.
AAA: Substance Impaired Driving

This link will direct you to AAA’s Substance Impaired Driving Web Site.

Rethinking Drinking
This link will direct you to a publication of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism – Printed February 2009.
National Survey On Drug Use and Health
This link will direct you to the most recent National Survey on Drug Use and Health.
Center for Forensic Science Research and Education

This link will direct you to the CFSRE’s Web Site with information about novel psychoactive substances currently being abused.

Maryland State Police

This link will direct you to the Maryland State Police Public Web Site.